Baby2Baby’s Initiative to Combat the Maternal Health Crisis
In 2023, Baby2Baby was selected by The White House in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services to pilot a program to deliver critical items to babies and their mothers immediately after giving birth with the goal of addressing the maternal health crisis.
Our Maternal Health & Newborn Supply Kits aim to combat the maternal mortality crisis by specifically addressing the mental health struggles of new moms who cannot afford the supplies their babies desperately need.

With a generous multi-million dollar grant including funds and in-kind product donations from our longtime partners at Huggies, we are proud to triple the reach of this initiative. Baby2Baby Ambassadors Ciara, Olivia Wilde, and Kelly Rowland helped announce the expansion of this important program and volunteered at our headquarters to pack Maternal Health & Newborn Supply Kits for new mothers and their babies.

Originally announced by Vice President Kamala Harris at Baby2Baby’s Headquarters in Los Angeles, Baby2Baby funded a pilot program and distributed 3,000 Maternal Health & Newborn Supply Kits through hospitals and community-based partner organizations across Arkansas, Louisiana and New Mexico – three states experiencing deep levels of family poverty and high maternal mortality rates.

In 2024, with the critical support of Huggies, we distributed the kits across ten states, including California, New York, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia in addition to the three pilot states. The initiative will continue to expand to more states across the country in 2025.